CICEX is part of the actions that not only contribute to the sustainable development of nations but also the promotion of technological and scientific exchanges for the development of peoples and nations.
For this reason, it is an inseparable part of our goals to contribute to the promotion and intellectual development of people in their international interaction, understanding that the greatest added value lies in the knowledge of the levers that move trade between people and companies, the legal, economic and fiscal limitations of commercial relations, the interpretation and respect of the uses and customs of the peoples and nations, as well as the individual preferences of the different geographical places represented by the commercial blocks.
For the fulfillment of its purposes, CICEX develops the following activities:
1.- Promoting training and cooperation for the methodological and content updating that facilitate the training of people, as well as the integration and consolidation of companies in International Trade. For this, CICEX proposes:
- The establishment of training cooperation agreements nationally and internationally.
- Cooperation agreements with university and professional institutions that facilitate the exchange of knowledge and the free circulation of professionals.
- Professional internships in companies with an international vocation.
- Promoting the granting of business scholarships for the training of technicians and promoting professional excellence in International Trade and related activities.
2.- Developing training products and actions under a face-to-face system, by means of virtual training or mixed, among which are mentioned the design, elaboration, teaching and publication of training actions related to International Trade, mentioning among them:
- Contracts of sale and the terms of trade (INCOTERMS)
- Customs functioning, customs management and auxiliary or paraduanal services.
- Documentary, logistic, financial and fiscal operations of International Commerce
- Customs figures and selection of alternatives according to the nature and objectives of the operation (free zones, customs warehouses, fiscal and suspensive, AEO's, ....)
3.- Creating and participating in cooperation networks, be public or private institutions, either through agreements, adding to ongoing initiatives, or developing, where appropriate, new lines of action.:
- Organizing technical seminars and discussion forums
- Carrying out needs studies and formulating training plans.